Monday, 20 August 2012

Ringo Starr;Biography

Imagine standing on stage girls are screaming at you,lights are shining on you that was the life of Ringo starr,The Beatle.

 Ringo Starr was born in 7th of July 1940 in Liverpool,England.Born with the name Richard Starkey named after his father.His zodiac sign is Cancer.Richard's family was quite poor.His dad, Richard Starkey worked as a was a former dockworker turned baker.His mother,Elsie Starkey, was a bakery worker.

 Richard's dad left the family three years after Richards birth.Richard suffered from many afflictions that basically ruined his education he had constant abdominal pains, was once diagnosed with a ruptured appendix that led to an inflamed peritoneum, which also led to one of his first surgeries. Ringo was in a coma, and his recovery took a couple of months, during which more operations were performed, and he was known to be accident-prone. Shortly after he came out of the coma, he was trying to offer a toy bus to another boy in an adjoining bed, but fell and suffered from a concussion. When he finally was able to go back to school, he learned that he was far behind in his studies.

 At age 13 he caught a cold that turned into chronic pleurisy, causing him another stay at a hospital in Liverpool. A few lung complications followed, which resulted in a treatment in yet another children's hospital, this time until 1955. Richard's mother Elsie had married Harry Graves, the man who her son referred to as a stepfather.

When Richard was fifteen he could hardly read or write.He liked woodwork and mechanincs.At the age of 17 he dropped out of school.Then he got a job as a delivery boy for British Rail.Then he injured his finger,then he decided to be a drummer.His dream came true,when his stepfather gave him a set of drums.He also joined many other bands after that.One of the band's lead singer encoureged Richard to change his name to Ringo Starr.

 Before Ringo was a Beatle.The Beatles tried lots of other drummers.At one time The Beatles were so desperate that they even invited strangers from the audience to fill in ghe position.Then Pete Best who the other band members didn't consider him as the greatest drummer.On June 6th 1962,at the Abbey Road studios The Beatles were looking for a new drummer,many people auditioned,but all of The Beatles loed Ringo's drumming.So they fired Pete Best and replaced him with Ringo.In September 1962. Ringo contributed their first hit when they recorded 'Love Me Do',which topped the UK charts and US charts.

 He was married to his long time girlfriend , Maureen Cox, from 1965 - 1975, and they had three children: Zak Starkey, Jason, and Lee.The couple broke up in July 1975.

 In 1970 The Beatles brokeup.Ringo was quite popular and recored his first solo album 'Ringo'.Then he featured in many show like Ringo,Princess Daisy with his new wife Barbara.In 1984,he did narration for children's series Thomas the Tankengine.During the 1980s,after long period of aclohol problems.

 In 2001.Ringo's old friend George Harrison passed away on November 29th 2001,after a long battle of lung cancer.The following year,on the anniversary of George Harrison's death,Ringo Starr,Paul McCartney and Eric Clapton appeared in a concert for George Harrison.

Today Ringo Starr is still singing and drumming as well as dividing his time between his residences in England, in Switzerland and his home in Los Angeles, California.

Well that's all! Hoped you liked it!

By Konnie


  1. Wow, imagine living in three different houses in three different countries! It sounds exhausting! I wonder if Ringo ever got better at reading, I suspect he must have because he would have needed to read contracts and other business papers, and also to read his Thomas the Tank Engine scripts! I think from his sickly childhood he is lucky to have made it though alive to become famous!!! Maybe his smile and sense of humour had something to do with it as well!
    Well written Konnie, you have done some great research.
